Martin Luther King Jr. was a very well educated black man. The bible was never far from his heart. His name is one I away from being MILK. This one day he was out walking the dog, and he saw a light in the sky. "Oh great, another thing to tell my eye doctor!" he screamed to the sky. And the Sky said, "shave your dirty sanchez." With that, the stars started to spread themselves, and a thousand rainbow lightning bolts zapped him in the head. As the smell of meat filled the air, his dog started to jump up at his owner. His owner, being his chocolate banana, got startled and squirted at the dog like a fat boy stepping on a twinkie. A car crashed into his house right before they got back, and the $5,000,000 dollar mansion that MILK had "emancipated" was blown into like a billion trillion pieces of cake, I mean seriously, for real. The twinkie splattered dog and the chocolate banana man were picked up by a mysterious hand in the sky and put through a presser to make a chocolate, creamy, banana meat cake frosting. "Mmm funfetti," said the melancholy fat boy, glaring at the sticky ooze plastered to the bottom of his shoe. And that's why Christmas is illegal in the south of France. Fuck Nick Cannon.
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